We want to celebrate this important day by doing what we love: teaching Spanish 馃檪
That’s why, we have created a list with Spanish feminist terms and words related to International Women’s Day.
By clicking each word, you can read its Spanish definition, its English translation, and examples of how to use it.
If you think we forgot any important word for this day, please leave us a comment so we can add it to the list.
And by the way! Our school was founded and it is run by women. Also, since we opened the school, most of our students have been women. If you want to know a bit more about our team, you can read this 馃檪
Contents on this post
About International Women's Day
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality.聽
Marked annually on聽March 8th,聽International Women’s Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to:
- celebrate women’s achievements
- raise awareness about women’s equality
- lobby for accelerated gender parity
- fundraise for female-focused charities
[Source: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/]
What's the history of International Women's Day?
International Women’s Day聽has occurred for well over a century聽with the first gathering held in 1911.聽Learn more about the day’s聽timeline.
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Learn Spanish with live online lessons
We are CactusBCN Languages, a Spanish language school located in Barcelona.
In March 2020, the pandemic situation encouraged us to start teaching online. All our students were happy with this change so we will keep teaching online for a while.
The school was founded and is run by enthusiastic teachers. Out team was teaching Spanish around the world for a few years and when we come back to Spain, we decided to start our own school.聽
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Spanish Vocabulary List for International Women's Day
Olivia cree en el activismo pac铆fico a favor de los derechos de los animales. Olivia believes in peaceful activism for animal rights. |
La brecha salarial en Espa帽a es del 14%. The gender pay gap is 14% in Spain. |
Existe un doble rasero entre hombres y mujeres en lo que respecta a la sexualidad. |
You can still find places there where discrimination is practised. Todav铆a puedes encontrar lugares all铆 donde existe discriminaci贸n. |
Mi estado civil est谩 a punto de cambiar, me caso el mes que viene. My marital status is about to change, since I’m going to be married next month. |
El hombre metrosexual intenta cambiar el estereotipo masculino. Metrosexual men are trying to change masculine stereotypes. |
Feminism has had a positive effect in many office environments. El feminismo ha tenido efectos positivos en muchos ambientes laborales. |
“el movimiento feminista”
2. nombre [persona] Que es partidario del feminismo.
“la dirigente feminista particip贸 en un debate pol铆tico”
Muchas feministas formaron parte del movimiento inicial LGBT. Many feminists were part of the initial LGBT movement. |
Gilda dejo su trabajo porque no pod铆a soportar el machismo de su jefe. Gilda quit her job because she could no longer tolerate her boss’s chauvinism. |
Han convocado una manifestaci贸n para el jueves. They called for a demonstration (or: protest) on Thursday. |
Many women hate their jobs because of misogyny in the workplace. Muchas mujeres odian sus trabajos debido a la misoginia que hay en el ambiente laboral. |
La paridad en las Naciones Unidas es una necesidad urgente. Gender parity at the United Nations is an urgent need. |
Many subtle forms of patriarchy go unnoticed in our society. Muchas formas sutiles de patriarcado pasan desapercibidas en nuestra sociedad. |
The boss is infamous for his sexism in the workplace. El jefe es infame por su sexismo en el entorno de trabajo. |
In a show of sisterhood, all of the women in the town voted for the female candidate. En una muestra de sororidad, todas las mujeres del pueblo votaron a la candidata. |
Most women aspiring to senior management positions believe the glass ceiling to career progression still exists . La mayor铆a de las mujeres que aspiran a posiciones de liderazgo piensan que todav铆a existe un techo de cristal en el desarrollo de sus carreras profesionales. |
Violence against women and girls stops us from being free and living the lives we choose. La violencia machista nos impide ser libres y vivir la vida que queramos. |
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Who wrote this post?
Small school,
big learning.
We are CactusBCN Languages, a Spanish language school located in Barcelona.
In March 2020, the pandemic situation encouraged us to start teaching online. All our students were happy with this change so we will keep teaching online for a while 馃檪
The school was founded and is run by enthusiastic teachers. Out team was teaching Spanish around the world for a few years and when we come back to Spain, we decided to start our own school.
Why should I take an online Spanish course?
Online classes are as fun as face-to-face classes but with the added benefits of online learning:
- You can save time and money on travel.
- Continue to study from anywhere. You don't have to interrupt your classes or change schools if you move to another city or travel.
- Access your class materials at any time. Digital materials are always available to study or do homework.